Hi – my name is Chrissy and I am living my dream life in West “By God” Virginia with my husband – David, our two Australian Cattle Dogs – Sooner and Hazel, and my beautiful horse Lexie.
I have always been a wanderer. That is, it is not in my nature to take the direct route. But, this has not always been by choice.
The direct routes, to me, are those well-worn roads others have travelled before me and mapped with an exacting certitude. I am sure you know the maps and guidebooks I am referring to; they populate the philosophy, religion, travel and self-help aisles of every bookstore.
Sometimes I do wish I could have followed well-marked trails; perhaps it would have saved me all those skinned knees and broken hearts. After fighting the desire for a less treacherous path for many years, I have finally made peace with being one who cannot help but sometimes wander off the easy path…to chase a dragonfly…a new friend…a poem.
So, that’s a little bit about me. And I am glad you found your way to my blog. Enjoy.